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Wednesday, 24 September 2014

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Why you want lose your health insurance

"If you like your health insurance, you can keep it".it was  Barack Obama’s best promises ,but at the very same time the president was making that promise, lawmakers on Capitol Hill were drafting legislation that would make clear that promise could never be kept.
It is not only  problem is  that when the health reform law was passed, millions of people were unable to keep the plan they had in 2010, . They are not likely to be able to keep for long any plan they have selected this year on a health insurance exchange. As we move ahead, all health plans will be subjected to restrictions that are likely to change every year. So its mean this year plan to meets the Obamacare restriction, may not meet the restriction next year or the year after that.
So the idea of long-lasting portable insurance that allows long term relationship between you and your doctor awith medical providers  was completely squashed when Congress passed Obamacare.
Now look at the chart below. It shows that all commercial health insurance must fit within four metallic bands: Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum. Each band is explained by its “actuarial value” percent represent benefits the plan which is expected to pay. For example, a Bronze plan represent expected to pay between 58% and 62% of health care costs for a representative enrollee. A Silver plan represent expected to pay between 68% and 72%. And so forth.
Lets Suppose if you are in a Bronze plan with an actuarial value of 58%. Then, so due to lot of changes like because of price changes, technology changes, or some other kind of change, your plan suddenly covers 60% of expected expenses. You think its good for you, right? Wrong. Because your plan no longer fits into one of the metallic corridors, it’s no longer a valid plan  despite the fact that it has become a better plan!
Now  suppose you fit  really good plan  that pays 98% of expected health care costs. There are large number of Democrat’s who think that every n each bill will pay by health insurance, you would think that the law passed by a Democratic Congress without a single Republican vote would strongly encourage such a plan.
Under Obamacare, 92% pay by any Any plan th more than  expected health care costs for the average enrollee is illegal

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