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Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Chinese Hackers hacked Pentagon military contractor networks

On wednesday annoucement by senate Armed service commitee  since 2012 against unspecified contractors working for the U.S. Transportation Command, or Transcom.

All blamed China’s government for all the most sophisticated intrusions, although it did not show any detailed evidence. The Senate report did not recognize  which victimized transportation companies.
Response was not showed by China’s government  to telephone messages and emails from The Associated Press requesting comment in Beijing and to its embassy in Washington.

According to Investigators China’s military was in position to buy emails, documents, user accounts and computer codes. They said it compromised systems aboard a commercial ship contracted by Transcom for logistics routes, and hacked into an airline the US military used.
According to newly declassified Senate report under their bussiness aggrement defense contractors have failed to report to the Pentagon hacker break-ins of their systems.

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