The Conflict Monitoring Center is an Islamabad based Independent Research Center which monitors anti-state and anti-government violence and counter insurgency initiatives by security forces. For preparation of this report the CMC collected data from Inter Services Public Relations, Ministry of Interior, Health Departments of Provinces, National, International and Local media and CMC’s own representatives. CMC’s annual study report demonstrates that security situation in the country has improved and a significant reduction in suicide attacks is observed. A further sharp decline in suicide attacks was observed since October after the All Parties Conference convened by Prime Minister which devised policy of dialogue with militants and adopted the slogan ‘Give Peace a chance’.
The report contains detailed data of 2011 as well as a comparative analysis of suicide attacks since 2002. It contains tables of yearly and province-wise break-ups of past nine years.
According to the data compiled by the CMC, militants carried out 41 suicide attacks during the year 2011 in Pakistan. 606 people were killed and 1002 were injured in these attacks. Among the dead, 59 percent (358 out of 606) and 85 percent (856 out of 1002) of the injured were innocent citizens. Army lost 33 of its soldiers while 100 personnel of Frontier Corp (a paramilitary force) and 54 policemen lost their lives in these suicide attacks. Fifty one suicide bombers were used to carry out 41 suicide attacks because in some strikes more than one human bomb was used. Among the injured were 44 Army Soldiers, 31 FC personnel and 71 policemen. Khyber Pakhtunekha saw highest number of suicide attacks and subsequent deaths. 406 people were killed in 22 suicide attacks in KPK Province. FATA was second most affected region after KPK where militants carried out 9 suicide attacks killing 76 people. In Sindh 18 people were killed in 5 suicide attacks. In Baluchistan 44 people were killed in 3 suicide attacks while Punjab province observed two such attacks in which 61 people were killed. No suicide attack was carried out in Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan.
Highest number of suicide attacks in a single month was observed in March when militants carried out 6 suicide attacks killing 92 people. Deadliest single month of the year was May when 144 people died in 4 suicide attacks. In 2011 the number of deaths in suicide attacks declined by 48 percent.
Number of suicide attacks in Afghanistan was 2.5 times higher than Pakistan in 2011. Militants carried out 102 suicide attacks in Afghanistan in which 675 people were killed.
CMC’s analysis shows a downward trend in number of suicide attacks during previous two years. After successful military operations in Swat and South Waziristan, militants’ capabilities to carryout high profile attacks against army installations have significantly reduced. Only four suicide attacks against military targets were recorded during the year. Majority of the suicide attacks in 2011 targeted innocent civilians. In 23 out of 41 attacks the targets were the civilian.
Militants have carried out more than three hundred suicide attacks in Pakistan since 2002 as a whole. 4810 people have been killed in these attacks (including the suicide bombers). Highest number of suicide attacks in Pakistan was carried out in 2009 when militants struck 76 times and killed 949 people. However highest number of deaths were recorded in 2010 when 1167 people were killed in 49 suicide attacks. About 90% reduction in the province of Punjab is observed since 2010 while in Sindh suicide attacks were increased.
In September Pakistani leadership in an All Parties Conference decided to initiate dialogues with militants. After that a sharp decline in suicide attacks is observed. Five suicide attacks were reported in September alone but after the APC’s joint declaration remaining three month of the year saw only 5 attacks. Two of them were just accidental blasts by suicide bombers. The APC had called for ‘give peace a chance’ policy and asked fo4810r dialogue with militants fighting against Pakistani security forces. Prior to this APC average suicide attacks per month was 4 while during next three months a sharp 62.5 percent decline was observed and average suicide attacks per month dropped to 2.5.
The report contains detailed data of 2011 as well as a comparative analysis of suicide attacks since 2002. It contains tables of yearly and province-wise break-ups of past nine years.
According to the data compiled by the CMC, militants carried out 41 suicide attacks during the year 2011 in Pakistan. 606 people were killed and 1002 were injured in these attacks. Among the dead, 59 percent (358 out of 606) and 85 percent (856 out of 1002) of the injured were innocent citizens. Army lost 33 of its soldiers while 100 personnel of Frontier Corp (a paramilitary force) and 54 policemen lost their lives in these suicide attacks. Fifty one suicide bombers were used to carry out 41 suicide attacks because in some strikes more than one human bomb was used. Among the injured were 44 Army Soldiers, 31 FC personnel and 71 policemen. Khyber Pakhtunekha saw highest number of suicide attacks and subsequent deaths. 406 people were killed in 22 suicide attacks in KPK Province. FATA was second most affected region after KPK where militants carried out 9 suicide attacks killing 76 people. In Sindh 18 people were killed in 5 suicide attacks. In Baluchistan 44 people were killed in 3 suicide attacks while Punjab province observed two such attacks in which 61 people were killed. No suicide attack was carried out in Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan.
Highest number of suicide attacks in a single month was observed in March when militants carried out 6 suicide attacks killing 92 people. Deadliest single month of the year was May when 144 people died in 4 suicide attacks. In 2011 the number of deaths in suicide attacks declined by 48 percent.
Number of suicide attacks in Afghanistan was 2.5 times higher than Pakistan in 2011. Militants carried out 102 suicide attacks in Afghanistan in which 675 people were killed.
CMC’s analysis shows a downward trend in number of suicide attacks during previous two years. After successful military operations in Swat and South Waziristan, militants’ capabilities to carryout high profile attacks against army installations have significantly reduced. Only four suicide attacks against military targets were recorded during the year. Majority of the suicide attacks in 2011 targeted innocent civilians. In 23 out of 41 attacks the targets were the civilian.
Militants have carried out more than three hundred suicide attacks in Pakistan since 2002 as a whole. 4810 people have been killed in these attacks (including the suicide bombers). Highest number of suicide attacks in Pakistan was carried out in 2009 when militants struck 76 times and killed 949 people. However highest number of deaths were recorded in 2010 when 1167 people were killed in 49 suicide attacks. About 90% reduction in the province of Punjab is observed since 2010 while in Sindh suicide attacks were increased.
In September Pakistani leadership in an All Parties Conference decided to initiate dialogues with militants. After that a sharp decline in suicide attacks is observed. Five suicide attacks were reported in September alone but after the APC’s joint declaration remaining three month of the year saw only 5 attacks. Two of them were just accidental blasts by suicide bombers. The APC had called for ‘give peace a chance’ policy and asked fo4810r dialogue with militants fighting against Pakistani security forces. Prior to this APC average suicide attacks per month was 4 while during next three months a sharp 62.5 percent decline was observed and average suicide attacks per month dropped to 2.5.
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