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Monday, 2 January 2012

Pasha Vs the Trojan Horse

It was as back as in late 70s when Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was at the peak of his fame and fear, as his government’s downfall was imminent. The power that was behind the plans to topple his democratic government was generally known and if some quarters had any doubt then it was cleared when Bhutto waved and read aloud a highly confidential and personal letter in public. In a blunt tone he was conveyed a message by Hennery Kissinger that a horrible example of him would be made. But that was not the first time when the Americans settled their grudge against Pakistani leaders or generals. Liaqat Ali Khan and Field Marshal Ayub Khan were few others.

The irony of some intelligence war is that its heroes sadly remain unsung. General Pasha is one such hero. There is an old saying that ‘My friend’s enemy is my friend’ and here in this specific case many of us are proving Chanakiya’s saying right by collaborating with Pakistan’s enemies. Through their acts they are making Pakistan’s enemies proud and contended. Who doesn’t know that who is behind the plots to malign Pakistan Army and ISI. The game is not new but the strategy is certainly fresh one. The muzzles are pointed towards the army chief and the DG ISI and the pawns are those who themselves have a shady and grey track record. Has anyone ever thought for a moment that if Pakistan army and the prime intelligence agency are obeying the American wishes (as it is propagated) then why should the Americans take them on as exclusive targets? Why should have they attempted to humiliate our armed forces by carrying out a massacre at Salala Check post and why should have they tried to embarrass our intelligence agency by raiding at a much talked Osama’s hideout? No we won’t think about these realities, rather would like to buy the propaganda about our armed forces, intelligence agency and nuclear program that is planned at the cyber spheres, by a conglomerate of some journo who are the chums of Pakistan’s enemies thus makes our enemy’s day.

I know this write up would be termed as a trumpet blowing for the armed forces and the ISI. Yes, it is but why shouldn’t it be the one? When people here in the holy motherland are betraying her by teaming up with its enemies and disappointing their countrymen, then someone has to raise a voice for with these sacred institutions unless we are indifferent to the national security and sovereignty.

            As earlier said that intelligence wars and its heroes are usually remain unsung and so is the case with General Pasha, who is under heavy fire these days, but leading the operation like any fearless infantryman. General Pasha is amongst those few Pakistani spy chiefs who are reckoned as the men of crisis. Few others among them are General Akhtar Abdul Rehman and General Hamid Gul. Although as far as General Pasha is concerned he is considered totally divergent to the formers’ school of thought, nevertheless, his patriotism and views about the religion as a moderate Muslim are beyond any doubt.

            Does anyone know that why this campaign against him has started?  But why should we, especially when ‘the masters’ are calling the Spade a Club. As I mentioned that Bhutto was made an example for exposing the Americans and what we should not forget is that the Americans don’t forget and don’t forgive. When one tells them bluntly that his Master is Allah and not America then what else could be expected? Yes, this is what exactly General Pasha told the CIA chief Leon Panetta during one of his recent visits to America. General Pasha is a diehard Pakistani who could go to any extent for the honour and dignity of the motherland and that’s what he exactly did, when he owned the responsibility of Abbottabad carnage which wasn’t a small thing to do but he did to an extent that even he offered his resignation which was turned down by the Prime Minister of Pakistan. I am going into these minute details just to keep the record straight.

General Pasha’s encounter with the then CIA chief was not the only one. The Americans who were jubilant over his appointment as the DG ISI literally pissed off when General Pasha started negotiating with them on principle grounds. Imagine about a soldier who is fighting the dirtiest intelligence war of the history is being stabbed in the back by none other than his own allies and few countrymen. The enemies had now two pains in neck, the organisation itself and its DG. Since they could conveniently pull the strings of any influential civil government’s member, hence initially they simply wanted to tear down ISI by placing it under the Interior Ministry where it could be reduced to just another police department. General Pasha, supported by the army, resisted to it and the ISI was able to keep its independence. However, this was not the first that ISI head was desired to be the fall guy by some hidden quarters. In past Ms. Benazir Bhutto did this adventure, when she removed General Hamid Gul from the DG ISI’s post. I wonder if General Pasha will have any interest in clutching on to the chair but at the same time such adolescent attempts are conveying nothing but wrong messages which will not only harm the most sensitive organization of the country, horribly but will also bring humiliation in the GWOT at our doorsteps.

One must remember that in intelligence operations what you see is not actually what is happening around and the tragedy is that everything cannot be shared with everyone and of all with those who are security risk for the country? Has anyone ever seen the intelligence chief of any country being talked and discussed in public? Or being questioned for his highly confidential tasks and trips? Unfortunately in this inopportune land this practice is very common.

The ISI is hated but respected by its enemies. The ISI is the favourite whipping boy of the Neocons and the Neolibs. Pakistan is the international scapegoat. Unfortunately the organisation and its DG have turned out to be the obstacles to certain quarters’ nefarious designs, hence, are treated as the punch bag for a section of media’s criticism that is replicated in the Indian media as well. The time has come that the forces that have love for the country and its security institutions must stand up against these pseudo liberal and anti state elements who are working on an agenda.

One shouldn’t forget that it’s not General Pasha whom these plotters are targeting, it’s rather the ISI. General Pasha will not remain in the chair for life but the number one at the top ten intelligence agencies of the world will surely live and that’s what is persistently bothering these ‘Twitters of the same Flock’ and the ‘Blackberry Lovers’ that have united against a warrior who is committed to Pakistan. Will it not be better for Husain Haqqani to come out of the PM house before conspiring against the armed forces, for Asma Jehangir to look back at her dubious track record and her visible links with the Indians, for Najam Sethi to wrap up his log stock and barrel at WSJ and Hamid Mir to first dispose off the millions he accepted recently as a fee for campaign against the armed forces and the ISI, before pointing accusing finger at these two institutions? See the mentality of these low rated heavily paid media managers and the civil society members who are slipping back to every unethical move and look at the calibre of that warrior Shuja Pasha who knows ‘a lot’ about them but doesn’t believe in espousing unfair moves, nevertheless, the fact is that the people of Pakistan reserve the right to see their true and ugly faces. The sooner it is the better it would be.


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