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Saturday 18 October 2014

How to prevent yourself from Ebola?

Ebola virus (EBOV, formerly known as Zaire ebolavirus) is one of five known viruses within the genus Ebolavirus.Four of the five known ebolaviruses, including EBOV, cause a severe and often fatal hemorrhagic fever in humans and other mammals, known as Ebola virus disease (EVD)
List of 10 myths about the Ebola virus, along with information as to why these myths should be ignored. 
1. To kill the virus you should use  expensive hand sanitizers.
  Doctors adviced have said hand washing, with soap and water, is the way to kill the virus before it enters your system.
2. You cannot contract the virus from a deceased person.
After a person dies, the virus still may be active in/on their body. Therefore when dealing with the body ceremonially, to prepare for a funeral, handlers ought to exercise great caution.
3. The Ebola virus is Airborne.
  Source of virus spread is bodily fluid it is NOT airborne.
4. Healthy immune system will decrease Ebola chances
  The potency of the Ebola virus is such that it can attack ANY immune system, no matter how strong/healthy.
5. The Ebola virus is not sexually transmitted
The Ebola virus is passed through the exchange of bodily fluids, and this includes semen. It also includes saliva, so even safe sex is not safe in terms of Ebola.
6. Recently recovered patient can also spread Ebola
    Only people exhibiting Ebola symptoms currently can pass on the virus.
7. Health care workers brought the disease into the countries that have been affected.
There is a lot of blame being placed on health workers for spreading the disease, but research has suggested these claims are unwarranted. It seems most likely that the hands-on dealing with animals is what has led to the spread of the disease.
8. There is a cure to the Ebola virus.
Sadly this, too, is a myth. While there has been a ton of research dedicated to finding medicinal solutions to Ebola, and some isolated incidents of success, no cure has yet been found.
9. Fasting can help cure Ebola.
  Absolutely do not fast to try to combat the virus. All this will do is weaken your body when it is trying to combat the virus.
10. Total 90% average death rate for every outbreak
There was one region which shows average death rate was 90%, there have also been cases of it being as low as 25%. The mean average of each outbreak is much lower than 90%.


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